

Africa: thou art mother of Africa.
For aye her natural form glows the continent itself
In her are bounteous fruits, vegetations and wild lives prevailed
Her inhabitants' existence lies in the field of her belly
Joyfully feeding and living on her internal.

Suck they the fresh milk that flows from her breasts
Energizing them to grow stronger every day.
The style and structure of her hair express the undying flowers at raining season
It beautifies her magnificence
Yes, causing the simoom that robusts.

Her wonderful body shape composes many countries
Of the four cardinals she is extended with.
The soggy and velvety of her skin I sink
In the softness of her hands, she curdles her inhabitants;
Protection and safety she ensures
Yet, she is spotless even though once altered by the obscurity of the imperialists.
© Albert Boima