

Faded scars
The love I had for you was real,
Time was a thief that began to steal,
At a window we were raindrops,
Racing for the last word,
We never listened but wanted to be heard,
While we fight the line got blurred,
When you raised your hand, my vision stirred,
Your disparage was a horse blinder,
Which obscured me from wonders,
Day by day my soul started to fade,
I started to believe I am what you portrayed,
There were no bruises on my body,
Still, you made my soul cloudy,
I tiptoed on the glass on a pointed shoe,
The thought of leaving you made my world hue,
You found out and turned me blue,
To think I never really knew you,
Wherever I go you were there,
You were chasing me even when I gasped for air,
All my silence led to flare,
So I gathered my strength to dare,
I am going to fight you even though I am afraid,
After a decade, Now I am narrating how I survived.

© Swaathy
#relationships #Love&love #Life&Life #live #writco #WritcoQuote #writer