

Nature's Symphony

In forests deep where sunbeams play,
Nature weaves her gentle sway.
Through emerald leaves and azure skies,
A symphony of life does rise.

The babbling brooks with voices clear,
Whisper secrets for all to hear.
Majestic mountains, proud and tall,
Stand as guardians over all.

In meadows wide where wildflowers bloom,
Colors dance, dispelling gloom.
Butterflies flit with graceful ease,
Amidst the buzz of busy bees.

The moonlit night, a tranquil scene,
Stars above, a cosmic dream.
Owls hoot softly in the night,
Guiding wanderers with their light.

Nature's beauty, a timeless art,
Speaks to the soul, ignites the heart.
In every leaf, in every tree,
A masterpiece for all to see.

Let's cherish nature, precious and pure,
For in her embrace, we find the cure.
A sanctuary for mind and soul,
In her embrace, we feel whole.
© Disha