

Love Again
That ocean covers the land with love
constant waves shows his desire to meet
His love, who welcomed him earnestly
with unparalleled passion and devotion.

Does she hear his honest water roars?
Do the breeze spied the wind about it?
Or the Moon told her love The Sun?
What made him uncontrollably violent?

He went back, as if he is u compassionate
For hours he withdrawned from her.
It was so furious to see him withdrawned.
Hours later he came back to her bosom.

It resembled the trembling of earth,
wild, violent, passionate and breathless
The violent waves cuddled her tightly
That wiped the dust and wastage.

He was determined and off-chart
The brutal waves took away the lives
To safeguard her from pollutants
innocent lives were compromised.

No grief can compensate the life
No love can justify his violence
But he reverted the question to us,
Have you given us the balance of life?

It strikes the consciousness of many!
Do we really respect the nature?
Are we giving breathing space to them?
No! we created all imbalances in earth.

We make earth ecstatic, to extremes
The frozen-hot weather hurts us
But we never stop our explorations
Impurity, pollutants and what not?

Justifying as the flow of life cycle
What else this human race can do?
What will we keep for the generations
That are about to come by after us?

Let us give you... payback as homage.
Let us apologize sincerely by actions
Let us tell the nature to love us again
To forgive our sins and love again.

Let us give them the scope of love
The moments they missed for decades
Let us love each other and strive together
and form the balance in earthly love.
© avn