

Save Me...

I'm selfish
Yes, it's true
For when I try to think about myself,
For when I try to write about myself,
For when I try to speak about myself,
For when I try to heal myself.

No, I never said a thing yet people did,
With the words that they 'care' about me.

My soul feels uneasy,
It's being controlled.
I'm decaying,
The heart's abandoned.
My mind's overcrowded with people's so called love,
Yet they think, they CARE so much.

I've walked through roses with thorns,
Through the love that's shown with hate hidden behind.
Yet they say, I'm the one wearing masks,
I'm the one being taught wrong.
I try to fight...fight really hard,
But does it make a difference?
It never did!

I'm peeking at the world beyond the masks,
It's beautiful out there yet to see that beauty, I'm a fool.
And I want to yet can't run out there.
I'm trapped in an invisible coffin,
That is buried between the masked people.

Mother, save me, get me out of here,
Just like you did in the hospital that dreadful year.
It's as stormy and cold in my mind,
As that lightning and deadly night.

I see monsters coming right at me,
To suck all the happiness and joy away.
You taught me they were what people were,
But you never told that they'd become nothing less than scary monsters.

Just like in the movies, I see people killing me but somewhere inside,
I'm alive yet nothing less than a corpse.
My cries, they don't affect them, they never did,
Just hold my hand, help me live a better life

Save me....
© Shreyashree Rai