

We have Now
I don’t feel like aging like a fine wine
It’s more like, 11, 12, 20, 49
A midlife crisis happens in the twenties now
Grey hairs caused by stress coming down
Slowed down in normality’s
Not being able to afford a house
And renting isn’t as cheap as it used to be
Not even talking ‘bout the groceries
Or the gap getting bigger in society
But isn’t that what we should be?
An unity, living together, taking care of one another
Living less selfishly , cause look what we got without equality
There’s a spark of hope, but it seems to get smaller
When you hear about an accident and it takes minutes for someone to call
Help, is on the way, oh no I have to go, work is waiting you know?
When did we forget, a human being is more worth than a number on a screen
We always need to rush, can’t see what’s in front of us
But oh wait, no it’s really bad, I miss this person or What could have been if?
If there was only more time, but honey We have NOW, what’s more to give?
© Jourme