

Love Don't live here 2
Love don’t live here anymore,
This heart is a quiet place,
Once filled with feelings, now empty,
A hollow space where love used to stay.

Love packed up and left,
Took pieces of me with it,
Left behind a vacant room,
Where echoes of its warmth have faded.

I’ve searched through many lifetimes,
Trying to find what was lost,
But some fragments are still missing,
Drifting in a sea of forgotten dreams.

I don’t want to fall in love again,
I’m numb to its call,
Too weary to chase its fleeting promises,
Too tired to open my heart to its storms.

There’s no room for love here,
No place for its chaos and pain,
I’d rather stay in this solitude,
Where peace finds me in the quiet.

Solitude is my constant friend,
The silence wraps around me,
Comforting in its stillness,
Offering a calm I’ve come to cherish.

I’d rather be alone forever,
Than trade my peace for heartbreak,
Love took its leave and left me here,
In a place where it’s never coming back.

It seems this was meant to be,
My path is one of solitude,
When I leave this world behind,
I’ll be alone, and that’s alright.

Love has no home in my soul,
No room to rest or linger,
I’ve come to accept this quiet space,
Where love no longer lives.