

"Mistakes and Might"
"Things that get in your way,
Like a hidden door, an obstacle to slay,
A detour from the path, a diversion to fray,
Leading you astray, with each step, each day.

But search for the key, the solution so grand,
In the realm of reason, where math holds hand,
A simple equation, a problem to unwind,
And the door swings open, the path cleared in mind.

Yet, oh, the struggles, the trials we face,
The errors we make, the wrong turns we embrace,
The worst of it all, the mess we create,
But still, we must strive, to participate.

For in the mistakes, we find the way,
Through the struggles, a brighter day,
And though the door was hidden, now it's in sight,
We'll solve the problem, and shine with all our might."