

"Echoes of Innocence"
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood, a tender embrace.

Laughter in the hallways,
Secrets shared in whispers low,
Each scribble and each lesson,
A part of the tapestry we sew.

The smell of old books,
The warmth of the sun’s glow,
Friendships formed in fleeting moments,
Innocence that continues to flow.

With every mark on that slate,
A story etched in time,
A reminder of the wonder,
In a world so simple and sublime.

Though years may pass like shadows,
And life may lead us far apart,
Those days remain within me,
Forever cherished in my heart.

So here’s to the slate and chalk,
To the lessons learned and played,
For in those moments of childhood,
The essence of joy was laid.

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