

Beautiful yet ugly
We were born to live not to suffer,
We slip away from reality like a duffer.
At every step losing someone,
Make us feel that we doesn't care about our loved one.

Life is so painful like hell on Earth ,
Which we are enduring since our birth .
Our life is luxury, warm and full of riches,
But we never enjoyed the sunset,valleys and beaches.

Working hard just for making money,
While everybody leaves us to be lonely .
So much trouble my life cause,
Doesn't I need a pause?

So carefree as children we were,
Running happily here and there.
But now we are just enveloped by darkness,
Which is convincing us that it is harmless.

My mind and heart on different track,
All happiness in my life drained through a crack.
Dripping through the crack silently,
Tearing me from inside violently.

We pray on the day of someone's death,
For the peace of soul that left.
His life ends as the cracks healed,
All his riches and comfort from him was peeled.

Death is the only thing that can save us,
It comes as a sudden and make us hush.

----------Erum Ahmad