

Twilight beauty
If I keep staring at your beauty don't blame me, because I found all of it full with satisfaction. I'm a poet but people classified me mad for writing thousand essay how magnificent you are.

You don't deserve a paragraph. You deserve a thousand books written about how amazing you are to me ,the daughter of the intense sun
You're the twilight beauty.

Oh The twilight beauty!

Every evening when I look through the window of my hut high in the hill.

I saw a creature that got me amused

Was she created among men I asked myself.

Been a tourist and adventurist I haven't set my eye across such beauty

Her precious skin is the rich soil of the Savannah

She is bath sweetly with the tasteful dews from the sky.

Her hairs are elongated like the River Nile

Her hip stood elegant like the Everest.

Her sexy eyes captivated my adventure eyes

Her kiss is full with pleasure just like a kingly meal

Her thigh is full as the blossom rainforest of zulu

Her teeth shone like diamond

Her lip is embodies with gold

Nature will get jealous if I kept antonished about her beauty.

She is not goddess but she's a human

I'm been catch with Fantasy just over her wonderful body that get me flatter

On which i kept comparing with mystical being

Let men rejoice and Merry . Let celebrate her beauty and sail in the sea with magnificent ferry.
© © Ovoskid