

And you go on living

Suddenly you're 29 years old and you've lost all your friends from high school. You're sure they don't even remember you, but at the same time they ask your sister what you're up to and a friend's mum calls her by your name sometimes.

You dream of being 19 again, a backpack full of heavy books and stones you needed for art class that gave you back pain. You remember your teacher telling that you're not going to get far, but at the same time you remember your past successes and the teachers who believed in you.

you are reminded of being 9, being new to a country and learning its language. You feel made fun of, but at the same time you found two friends on the very first day of school and you still have the presents they gave you 20 years ago.

You remember how you cried when your cousin was born two years after you because you did not want your grandfather to love anyone more than you, and how he's been gone for as long as you'd known him.

And you go on living.
You stay one morning longer, and you go on living.
You say your goodbyes and you go on living.

You go on living.

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