

Hàppy Bìrthdày 🥳
To someone I care about,

HàPpY BìRtHdÀy,
May God bless you,
Enjoy your day today,
Eventhough everyday is brand new,
Unlike other days it's so special today,
Because it's your birthday.

It might sound unreal,
but I just dreamt of you yesterday,
You might be weak in general,
but no one knows your strength that even makes me stay away.

You're clear like the crystal,
Cause you don't even know how to betray,
Your beauty comes in natural,
Damn that smile just wear and slay.

I like it that you're so original,
Thay makes people want to relay,
Lol it's fun to see you get emotional,
Just stay happy till you turn old and grey.

You might have received lots of medal,
If only they knew the way those games you play,
Don't cry even a little,
It's alright someday everything will be okay,

Remember that you're special,
And I'm sorry for wishing you a little delay.

Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!

© dehasley