

A game playing with words
LIFE in the form of science only arise in living ones but we see in some seasons non-living also leaves their surrounding just like leaves from their trees, but now the thing is it's not about leaving, it's about living .....living after falling, grow into new life and than science says there is life only in living but what about non-living who leave their life for the life of another leaf.
And that's the life of a leaf 🌿 which sacrifice it's life for its next generation, and it generates a tradition of sacrificing parents life for their children for the betterment of their life.
Life sometimes act as a knife 🔪 which gives you many cuts but see! still you are having a lot of guts.
Gut is a part of body, but guts arise within the body;
Then it takes the form of confidence then it gives you a lisence of free speech 💬 then you start to give a speech, and then you remember it wasn't the speech related to Your stream;
Then you wake up and think, oh my god! it was just a dream!✌️🙄