

In the outer Himalayas, the well known coldest region,
A piece of rock—rough, rigid and uneven,
Falls in the gushing waters of perennial Himalayan river,
Of course due to weathering effect, the perfect reason,

Experiencing tumbles and stumbles in the toughest waterways,
The beating, the knocking and the hammering in the cruellest ways,
Reaches up to the foothills after facing all the hardships,
After receiving, on its body and face—
the hardest hits,

That piece of rock—rough, rigid and uneven,
Becomes the perfect round stone,
Full of confidence and the glassy glow,
A stone that goes smoothly with the flow,
With no more damage, no more fear of harm or decay,
Life also behaves in the similar way,
Definitely not a bed of roses; nothing is served pipping hot in a tray,
So, be brave, face the adversities and stay calm come what may,
That’s the crux, life has to say!

—Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal