

The Numbers of Love
Right now you are feeling unsure.
For that I cannot ignore.
I have expressed my love to you
For that love you feel no more
I'm not comfortable rhyming
But what I am comfortable doing is giving you love

The third greatest gift given to me from GOD.
Don't be alarmed you are in good company.
Like the number of times we seen each other
Like the number of times we proposed our eternal union. Three is the number for you and me.

I enjoy the number two, too, but we left that behind when we said I do.

1 is the number I strive for...
When I think about the number of times I want to fall in love. 1. For the number of times I want to get things right with you. 1 for the number of hearts I have to give. 1 for the number of people who have claims to it. 1 for that is what we became when we said I do on April 1.

Finally 0. 0 is for the number of times I've doubted my love for you. 0 for the number of times you've left my mind. 0 for the number of times I've wanted to be without you.

So, while I may mess up. And bring tear into your eyes. There aren't enough numbers to count the reasons I love you. Like I told you infinity isn't enough and eternity isn't long enough. You are my forever plus.
© MarQuavis KaMarri Dottery