

Love Stories.
I can write hundreds and hundreds of love stories, but it won't change anything. Some believe love is what we live for, I do not. Would I like to go on dates and get married? Sure. But I feel it is not as important as other things. At a very young age I didn't understand why everyone was so obsessed with dating. I would pray that I could just be normal like all the other girls and fall for someone. But I didn't. I believe that love is out there. You can either look for it or it can find you.
I chose to let it find me. I have far too much to do in my life time. I have so much worries and things I need to accomplish. And I can not achieve those if I am searching for love. I know this may not make sense to some or sounds selfish. But I worked so very hard to get to where I am now. I can't let that all be thrown away...

© Miele Ann