

Trapped in scarcity
Both resources and means of exchange, all far from me
Trapped in poverty, dressed in its attire
Caged like a bird in its den.

Why so obsessed with me? Please free me, I need to live.
Enough is enough, I want my peace.
Poverty, please, my face is getting rough.
Poverty, set me free from your cage.

I've seen enough at this my age.
Free me! I need to change physically.
My cheeks and stomach are getting pale.
Poverty, I don't enjoy my relationship with you anymore.

Serve me heartbreak, I'm ready to go.
Loosen your rope on my neck, let my growth flow.
Or is it till I breathe no more?
Poverty, please let me leave.

My eyes are getting deeper.
My legs and thighs are getting thinner.
Leave me, I don't want to suffer anymore.

© Sulaimon Khalid Everlasting Ink