

Little Snail
Little snail, with shell so bright,
Crawling down a rough and lonely night,
Homeward bound, with determination true,
Facing challenges, yet determined to make it home.

Thorns and rocks,hills so steep,hungry preys waiting for dinner.
Obstacles that made your journey creep,
But still you pushed, with steady pace,
Through the struggle, you found your space.

At last, you reached your cozy nest,
Home at last, you could rest,
Your journey taught you to be strong,
And face each challenge, all day long.

'Little snail' is a typology of the challenges we face in our life. As we keep striving and holding onto what we cherish the most 'home' we face challenges, struggles and temptations so much that we doubt if we will ever be able to make it out. But with determination and hard work,we find our strength and grow bold to face it.
© uniqoma