

A Promise
Making a promise,
A promise you couldn't keep
A promise to stay away,
To stay away from me
A promise to say goodbye to me
Thinking you weren't good enough for me
A promise you wouldn't get close enough to hurt me
Instead hurting me by saying "goodbye"
Seeing the tears in your eyes as you said it
Knowing you promised him you wouldn't get me involved in your life itself
Promising you wouldn't get close enough to kiss me
Close enough to feel me
Close enough to love me
Close enough to be anything

Since all we were in the end were just friends that kissed
And now we're nothing
You, just a stranger,
A stranger to me
You are

A waste of time you were to me
A waste I will never get back
I will never be the same,
The same in anything
In letting anyone in
In pushing others away
In loving
In trusting
In knowing the truth of one

If you never trust or let anyone in then you'll never have to feel anything more

© BrokenStillBreaking

Mon, June 17th 11:16 AM 2024