

Ode to Oumaima Elbakkali
In the realm where grace and strength entwine,
There blooms a star, her light divine,
Oumaima Elbakkali, name of power,
A radiant rose in life’s grand bower.

With eyes that hold the dawn’s first light,
She steps through shadows, pure and bright,
Her spirit, fierce as mountain winds,
In whispered tales of dreams rescinds.

She walks where ancient rivers flow,
Through lands where time is but a show,
A soul unbound by earthly ties,
In her, the heart of freedom lies.

Her voice, a melody so rare,
Floats on the breeze, beyond compare,
It weaves a tapestry of hope,
A bridge across life’s vastest slope.

In every step, in every glance,
She turns the mundane into dance,
Her presence, like a gentle song,
Makes fleeting moments last so long.

Oumaima, jewel of the night,
Your essence fills the world with light,
In you, the past and future blend,
A timeless muse, a trusted friend.

May skies above forever gleam,
With stars that echo your bright dream,
For in your heart, the world can see,
The beauty of what life can be.
© oumaima_elbakkali