

Count the bars in each community,
then count the churches.
Where there's good, there is evil.
A yin and a yang, The soul searches.

The ligneous pews bend your knee.
Wray's nephew in a building to bend your mind.
Which one would the reasonable man choose?
If things go awry?

There is beauty in the pain,
like heels that scrape the tendons of your feet.
There is pain in the good;
it hurts to face a future you never wanted to meet.

Kinder things pass by in a flash,
nothing to last long, entertain and leave.
To dazzle your eyes, wonder on weighted scales.
Take a bite of the apple, and you're now Eve.

Flash the green and gold in my face;
I know what it is, I know what it means.
I swell with pride, blindness existing.
A pretty fruit from a pretty tree,

Pretty crops to sell.
Every man buys a piece;
tell me lies.
My body is just a lease.

The pace I can't keep up;
life seems so feeble.
If I try to catch that knowledge, that balance
I'll see dead people.
© Myth