

Do people enjoy hurting people?
Sometimes I hope people care,
But the problem is its an illusion,
Despite if I genuinely care,
But show that in illusion that looks like I don't.
I don't make it up as people pay the bills,
Food is free,
Help is free,
Affection is free,
But I can't help remembering that saying,
"Nothing comes for free."
It's a lie just like those sins.
They look fun,
But are they when they cause destruction?
People don't seem to notice an empath exists.
Where I tell truth,
Some people believe I just lie.
It's frustrating to keep explaining how it's the truth multiple times.
The mental games are tiring,
It's like they know how to play,
When I don't plan anything.
They think that I believe that I know better than everyone else,
When I'm one to admit my...