

The Horizon Within
#Love #writco
Love, you stretch wide like the open sky,
yet bind me tighter than the heaviest chain.
I move freely within your walls,
but the walls are always there,
whispering their silent limits.

In your arms, I am both vast and small,
my spirit soaring high, yet tethered to your gaze.
Is this the shape of freedom—
to run, but only as far as your shadow falls?

Your presence calls me deeper into myself,
yet I can no longer claim myself alone.
I wear the weight of your heartbeat
like a key around my neck,
a key that fits no door I wish to open.

Perhaps to love is to surrender to the paradox—
to be held close and never fully owned,
to belong without losing the horizon.
For in the binding, I am freed
to discover all that I could never be, alone.

© Sachan