

A Home in their Nation and Mine
I really didn't need this!
Work needed a document
Mine were in storage, hiss!
To the courthouse I went

Waiting in line
Suddenly, all went quiet
Then, without a sign
I saw a wondrous site

A family, about to impart
Raised their one hand
The other on their heart
Pledged oaths to this land

To renounce the nation they knew
Defend my land from those abroad
Take up arms with me and you
They pledged so help them God

Pictures were taken as I recall
Their life before, unchained
Their pride infected all
Smiles could not be contained

I never pledged, I must confess
I never renounced another nation
By birth I was blessed
Not as my land's newest creation

When I need a lift as I roam
I often think of this time
God, bless them in their new home
A home in their nation and mine