

Happy Independence Nigeria
Nigeria, my country, our country,
The land of our fathers and our fathers' fathers,
The land of a people with vast culture,
From the north to the south
From the east to the west,
People with different beliefs
Striving to become one,
Striving to make a better country,
Fighting to make our Country a better home for the future generation,
As we mark the 60th Independence anniversary of our beloved country,
Let us remember,
Our forefathers fought for this land,
They fought for our freedom,
They fought and they eventually won,
Let us unite to honor their sacrifices,
Let us come together to carry on their legacies,
Your tribe, your religion or even political beliefs shouldn't get in the way,
We should unite to make Nigeria great again.
Happy Independence Nigeria
Lets get better together...
© zozas_handwriting
#nigeria #nigeriasIndependence