

The Sweetest Dream - Part 3 - (Brian’s Perspective)
I thought I had dreamed it all. I was a bit confused until I saw her laying in bed with me. I will admit I was very much happy. I even thought to myself. “Wow what a woman she is”. I mean she literally worked me all out. It was the best pleasure experience I had ever had in my entire life. That along was enough to reveal how I truly felt about Jasmine. It wasn’t so much the sexual part of our night, but for the first time I felt what true love making, well at least in a real dramatic way, felt. Besides, I wasn’t going to do the lame things I heard online few man do when it’s just a one night stand like high five her for the great pleasure she presented as if she was auditioning for a porn shoot. “No way in heck!” I silently whispered to myself. She meant so much to me, and so as I woke her up gently I looked straight into her eyes. She was so beautiful, and I smiled so cheesy of happiness with her. I could tell she was waiting for the words I’d say and her heart was racing a bit. I said “I love you Jasmine”, I’ve always have”. The expression of both shocked and happy immediately made her eyes glow and some tears came in afterwards as she kissed me and said “I love you too Brian”. We made out with our morning breathes and stood holding one another a few moments longer wondering what the future would hold for us both. I mean how were we going to let everyone know. She is technically my step-little-sister, well not anymore and eventhough my father isn’t truly her father and we aren’t blood relatives, still he adopted her and my father would be very much infuriated. Sure, we were grown adults, but how would father take it considering the rules we have as a Mafia Family. There was a lot to consider. We had to keep things on the down low for now. Jasmine agree, but for the next few weeks we could not keep our hands away from one another. As the son of a Mafia Family there was a lot of expectations from me as well as my mannerisms, behaviors and even who I would eventually married to take over as the king pin of the Family. I honestly, did not want any part of it. I never have and never cared because I knew the business my father and his people conducted always led to someone being killed in the most brutal and dispicable way.

Let me explain a few things in order for you all to comprehend where I’m coming from. Our Family name “The Giovanni’s”, I know, not the typical American crime family name your familiar with, but nonetheless that is our last name. I’m Brian Porousa Giovanni. My father as head is Tony Porousa Giovanni, my mother Marie, my one and only sister Sarah, Ofcourse my idiot scumbag cousin Larry, and lastly Twin brother Marco. I am older by a few seconds or something like that I belive, and unlike your typical twins, no we didn’t wear matching pj’s or outfits, none of the crap for that matter. Marco and I once had a close relationship. We were always planning silly tricks on our parents as children without a care in the world. We’ve always were fortunate to have a luxurious way of living thanks to the Family way of life, which I’m thankful about. I’m just not sure if I should be because of how my father earned his fortune. Than came the day I will never forget. Marco and I were 15 when it happened. Marco had gotten into it with one of our biggest Rival crime families. The Martians. I mean what kind of last name for a crime family was that. It was what it was. They had a young nephew named Leo and it appears he began to argue with Marco trying to steal some of his belongings while at school that afternoon. Marco had snuck a knife on his backpack and neither Mother nor Father had a clue. When the knife was dropped from the backpack Leo began questioning Marco putting him against the wall and than shoved him onto the floor kicking him aggressively. Marco knew the only way out of it was to grab the knife and poke this kid somewhere before he kills him. Marco got a hold onto the knife and before anyone could see it coming, he slashed the kid right at the stomach causing internal bleeding, which luckily the kid survived but unfortunately remained impaired for just about life needing home aide to assist. My father had to pay some good money to cover this all up, and after speaking to a few friends of his. He shipped Marco off into military school. How did my father pulled that one off, I had no idea but he had that much power and knew the right kind of people.
After Marco returned home after several years, he was just not the same. His tone of voice gotten stern. He was very serious yet a bit shaky but he was well aware of his home and family. Marco wouldn’t let anyone sleep constantly living in his army war moments whenever he get into bed and he spoke to me differently. It was as though I had lost my brother because this person before me wasn’t him. Yet it was, but for some strange reason I couldn’t sink my head on it and I suppose we just didn’t hang around nor bonded as much. I went in my own direction and although I gotten into bad relationships with woman who used me for my money and few fights because of alcohol, one thing is certain. I was thankful for Jasmine. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I say that as many times as I need to say because I meant it. I do anything for her and I could not imagine anyone to dare hurt my Jasmine.

Jasmine and I had to be very careful and for the next few months to a year things were going perfect. Again we would have countless sexual encounters in all the places at the mansion as we were very creative in our relationship and we both loved spontaneous yet exciting things to do. We role played, we went on fancy dinner boat dates, fares, circus you name it. All of this while remaing completely discrete. Yet, all good things must have a balance with the negatives, and man did they come to play. One Saturday morning after having snuck into Jasmines room the night before, I’ve notice Jasmine not feeling very well. I had asked her if she was ok, and she just looked at me and said “Good morning love, I am fine. Don’t worry it’s nothing, probably a cold”. I beg the differ. She appeared nauseous as she were about to throw up. She also appeared to gain a few pounds and I haven’t even noticed any of it up until now. And as I gently attempted to help her out of bed it happened. Jasmine couldn’t make it to the bathroom and she threw up. I quickly grabbed a small garbage pail near the dresser and placed it steady so she use that and not the carpet. Boy, what was I going to do. How could I explain this mess to my parents. I mean it happened in Jasmines room but I couldn’t let her get yelled at. Than as she was finally in the bathroom it happened again, and again a few more times. At this point I was concern and suddenly it hit me. “She couldn’t be”, Jasmine must have been “PREGNANT!” I yelled out for a moment before covering my mouth hoping no one else heard anything.


© Johnny Cigars