

one more step
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way

I cried,I mourned,
Ten years back,
They both went away,
I was left all alone
under the cold slant.

mother,father, I called,
no response
no response
No love,
No care,

sleepless nights,
nightmares every night,
The sweet moment in life,
desperate life at the moment,
no one cares.

No food,snacks during those times,
No education,
street child,
an orphan child
but who cares
no one at that moment.

They came at the right time,
so we have people who care about children like me,
An orphan,a street child,
Finally today newscaster, a writer
it can happen
so brush away the path of sorrow
and make your way.