

I've got this urge,
I need to cry.
The tears won't come,
My eyes stay dry.
I feel the weight,
Push against my eyes.
Yet I can't let it out,
So it stays inside.
I can't figure out,
What the problem really is.
Yet it hurts so bad,
It burns against my eyelids.
When it's gone I'm great,
But when it's there I might break.
I just need someone,
To tell me I'm ok.
It's pointless, unreasonable,
Yes that I know.
It just won't drop,
No, it won't let go.
It hangs on, like a leach to it's host,
Sucking the life out of every poor soul.
I can pout, I can wallow,
But that won't change a thing.
Sometimes the best thing to do,
Is to just be and breathe.
"Just be and breathe"
I'll tell myself every day.
But that might not work,
I need a change of pace.
So I'll tell all my problems,
To someone who might help.
Confidentiality is key,
Yet word still gets out.
Now I'm back at the start,
Tears bulging again.
What do I do?
Should I just let them win?
"Keel over and cry"
That's what the tears say.
They scream as loud as they can,
They just won't go away.
So ilk breathe and I'll think,
"I am still here"
And I'll go on with life,
Year after year.
It's heavy,
This life.
We learn to carry every low,
Every high.
We have those we can trust,
We have moments we can fly.
So ilk take a deep breath,
At the start of each day.
I'll remember what's important,
And keep my eyes fixed in upward gaze.

© Reagan_H