

Cavernous Amor

Senescence of leaves
Reminiscent my eyes' dew
Renaissance of a phoneix
Storytells my heart's slog
Convalescence of a volcano
Recalls my collapsed vexation
Adolescence of a floret
Rewinds my full blown love

Brain and heart waves
Hang as weeping willows
Purpose and proclivity
Fracture as parched river
Conscience and sentinet
Slant as the tall Pisa
Dreams and Reality
Loose gravity in a black hole

Stiches of a bruise
Still pricks an old passion
Torn strings of a bow
Still resonates the Cupid's love
Tangled wires of a telephone
Still muffles my expectations
Parched papers of envelopes
Still address my ballad

Indigo and jade hue feathers
Find solace on my body
Cuckoos and Rains adore me
I dance as they sing in nature
But I see only a sable earth
Alas! I am a blind peacock
I am blind in love with you

Hypnos and Morpheus left
Eros and Psyche came
Lyssa and Miseria intervened
You and I fell apart
But Mnemosyne is eternal
She etches you in me
Everywhere and everywhere.

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