

Break Free
A stolen morsel more precious than gold,
A stolen shirt to keep out the cold,
There is no price to hunger,
There is no price to shelter,
There is no price to kindness
Because I'm not one to falter
Kindness remains in my heart
A time so bright
I forget I'm the one apart
Love in my eyes, and a glimmer in the night
But only then, will I be brought back to light
Many days and nights, they all pass by
As if life is perfect, even though it isn't
Even if I'm down, if I'm feeling distressed
I know that there's one person who won't ever rest
Me, I'm that person, the person who won't stop
I'll keep up a legacy
One I won't be able to drop
I don't care however long it takes
Fore if I can break free
That's all I could ask for
© Kaylee Lomas