

Everybody in this world makes mistakes
Nobody is perfect and as such no matter what happens
you are bound to commit mistakes
it is part of the life process
The fact that people are talking about a mistake you did
doesn't mean they don't commit mistakes
or you should look at yourself in disgust
You always cry and get sad because of a mistake you did
you consider yourself as the worst person on Earth
You deprive yourself the happiness that you need
it is true that,at times when you realize your mistakes,it hurts
it makes you feel uncomfortable in yourself
it makes you refrain yourself from mingling with people
because you feels that, nobody understands you
Let me tell you something
the very thing that draws you back in life is that,
you don't know how to let go of the past
you have entangled yourself in your mistakes and that keeps on tormenting you
mistakes are meant to build us up
they show how strong we are
they show how deeper our understandings are
it makes us experienced
whenever we commit mistakes in life,it doesn't mean we are fools
but it means that, there is something in our lives that we have to replace it
whenever we commit the same mistake over and over again,it doesn't mean we are dumb headed or we don't learn but it means
there is something that we need to understand.
love your mistakes for it is the compass that shows your destination