

It's not your fault
Let's talk about something that nobody likes to talk about
This is gonna hit home for some people without a doubt

I want to talk about people commiting suicide
Most of the time because they didn't feel good inside

Family and friends are always left stranded
But let's be honest, that's not what the person would have wanted

They fought for hapiness and eventually gave up
They fell down and couldn't get up

You probably felt guilty but really don't
The person made their own decision and now they're gone

It's hard to lose someone you love and cared for
But they couldn't handle life anymore

Remember this poem everytime you're sad
And also, don't be mad

The person felt trapped in a world where they didn't belong
Nobody would go trough that and get along

Remember them as the best version of themself
And we will present ourselfs like that on our behalf