

I love my dreams, they may be sad
but they open my eyes to my soul
sometimes they are outright Erie
more of the times I can't remember at all
but many are happy and fun too

blessed as I am I remember my dreams
I can recall them and draw what I saw
I can switch between times and eras
meet long forgotten people
even my loved ones who are in heaven

what are dreams I wonder, is it a game
or do we travel into an alternate realm
how can we see which is not there
even feeling sad happy and cry here

a few dreams feel like warnings
rest of them are just plain wondering
many are random scenes put together
but it's not the best place ever

sometimes I have a nightmare
I get up all afraid and sobbing
sometimes I laugh out loud in sleep
but then I have those recently
where I see my papa... and I wake up
feeling shattered to the soul

so these days I like my dreams
cause that's where I get to meet
my papa my darling
and we talk we play he takes me to my exams
sometimes he warns me, other times
he just looks lovingly at me
all of us back together at our home
that's the realm I want to reach

but oh these are just dreams...
dawn comes reality hits you hard
get up get going life is to live
dreams are just a sleep away....

© cmcb