

My Love🌹
Don't blame me if the melody of your beautiful soul enchants me, its purity and radiance rivaling the morning light itself.

Don't blame me if your face becomes a canvas of admiration for my vulnerable, two-eyed heart, captivated by your every feature.

Don't blame me if your smile, a luminous beacon, warms my heart as though it basks in the gentle embrace of a spring bath.

Don't blame me if your posture's elegance surpasses the superficial beauty proclaimed by the world, drawing my admiration effortlessly.

Don't blame me if the world's brilliance dims in comparison to your radiance, your presence casting a luminous glow in the midst of darkness.

Don't blame me if I find myself falling for the allure of your glasses, wishing they could glimpse the depth of my affection for you.

Don't blame me if your voice resonates with a soothing familiarity, akin to the comfort of my most cherished songs on a Spotify playlist.

Don't blame me if your height becomes a symbol of unpretentious perfection, a mental image of a kiss unburdened by the need to bend.

Don't blame me if your spirituality exudes an aura of purity akin to celestial beings, a glimpse of divinity within a mortal vessel.

And don't blame me if, even in three months of distance, my gaze lingers on your face, etching memories to sustain my longing until we meet again.
© Sage