

Don’t Say I Love You
Don’t tell me you love me,
Cuz I might not say it back,
It just feels unnaturally forced,
Like something you can’t quite have.

I don’t like the way it sounds,
or the way it rolls of the tongue,
Or how easy you can flip it,
So it means “I hate your stinkin guts.”

Friends or lovers please just keep quiet,
I don’t want to hear you say it,
It’s just so cliche of you,
Like blood leaking out of a slit.

You say it when I’m in pain,
you say it when I don’t want to hear,
You say it while kissing my forehead,
Say it again and I won’t have you near.

Opt for a different form of expression,
I suggest, “you’re funny,”
I’d rather hear that than I love you,
Because I love you is just too sunny.

© Waiteing