

Be The Guardian Of Her Next Dream...
You were there in this dream which is not new at all....
As the guardian of her dream world...
Who called the magical world created by closed eyes as a dream?
There is no one who has not experienced the magic of darkness in the eyes at least once...
It is a universal truth....

That dream is also running away...
She is waking up from her magical world….
She is filled her mind with new questions....
She is looking for the truth of her dream.
That remains just one of many questions...

She began to describe the dream with her pen.
But that dream was hidden only in vague visions.
As if the reality is hidden beyond a glance.....

The writer, holding the pen and waiting to describe the dream, forgot it again.
She is again waiting for another dream to add with her pen...

At least once she meets the truth of the dream, she wants some questions to ask…….
With a writer's curiosity, she expects you too…..
Be the guardian of her next dream...

© enigma🦋
#Love&love #poem #lyrics