

charms of the night
Deliberate tread on ice that burns through our dancing shadows at noon,
Those hugs that can never be substituted by the measure sparked out of the moon,
Soaked in your unending emotions that give no reason to end soon,
As your every word charms my ears with the lyrical love immeasurable by a spoon,

Your skin complexion breezes the certainity of my satisfaction that I never know,
I write because having your memory is something sure and you can keep up with every flow,
You smell like love when I touch your thirsty lips unknowingly until I desire for more,
The way you own the moment as you rewrite it with more than just a glow,
I can't stop staring at those dimples that balances your sweet smile between each jaw,
Your blushing styles up the taste of the vibes that my intentions can never ignore,

Your voice complimenting the melody within your laughter on a wider range,
Your breast the perfect archer that are always accurate to the love that never change,
With our breath matching to the rythmical sunset as it changes to orange,
Come I hold you closer and tighter under the full blown of my embrace until you feel strange,
Let my hands collect the cherry hidden within your dominating hips that no one can arrange,
And revive your touch that renews the frequency of our romance through the words we exchange,

In your eyes I find fulfilled attachment that smoothens our love fragrance like a gift,
You are a complete package no matter the times you tune to the turn that will always uplift,
With the open air holding us to a scent that unfolds more than an impact of a blue-drift,
Let my youthful intentions take you slowly as it breaks through the resistance of time so swift,
Loving you is the best choice I ever made edited through the years that shift,
© markkiptoo