


Peacefully I sat, as the silent noise overwhelmed my head.
As I thought above my mind.
The question, the answer.
I got lost again, lost in my beautiful palace of imaginations.
Does the beauty of life come in thoughts.

Roses are beautiful, filled with love, yet,
It carries sharp spikes of thorns.
The oceans are beauty to the eyes, yet,
It consumes the lungs.

Fly me to the moon, that I may dance on the clouds.
Nothing is ever enough.

Live that we may die
Breath that the ground may eat us up.

Life has both sides
A tree with many roots.
What a person feel is rooted deep.
Only few can see few feelings.

Life is seasonal
Every happy face fights a silent war.
Lend me a smile, and I will plant you a roses.

© ©Hills