

She was born as a detested juvenile
She eternally coveted for love,
She eternally was regaled with bitterness
Folk shouted her as"cursed girl"
She was coerced and victimized
She yearned to dwell a natural life
She was feted like a "slave" in her own cottage
She cherished the "freedom" of birds in the sky
She wished to drift high in the sky
She was disparaged for her "appearance"
She was feasted as "untouchable" for her dark-skinned color
She reminisced that she is a "burden"
She was imperceptible in her own clan
She was being auctioned as a "slave"
Yanks cascading down her cheeks
She moaned and wept all through the twilight
She inferred now she is being "used"
She inferred she can't invent more "pain"
She evolved into a "lethal poison"
She annihilated everyone who"tortured" her
She yearned to be one of the stars in the sky
She tainted herself, evolved into a shiny star in the sky

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