

Don't Think About It
It's all intertwined and bleeding into nothing
Mixing, blending to an abstract spacy-ness
Who am I to label the empty?

Fall, break, scatter

Redefine shattered peices as whole in hopes that no one will question
'Alive' is a very opinionated phrase

Rights, wrongs, facts, confidently stated lies
Who am I?

It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern

Blades of a moving fan
Static, fumbled thoughts, can't focus
Winding, blowing humid air in a single direction
It's better this way, cooler, chilled
It's not too warm

Handmade rug, squishy, wet
It's not going to dry properly-
It's not going to dry
Fuck, why should I care?
'Awake' is a very opinionated phrase

Scratchy throat, tired eyes, angry but what of it?
Who am I?

It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern

The floors tiles stick to bare feet
The sound of damp skin pulling off a hard surface as one shifts

Sheens of sweat and overly moistened air
Perspiration trickling
Move to carpet, curling toes
Stabilize, readjust, you're fine
I'm Fine!

Tight eyes and gritting teeth
Don't you believe me?
'Trust' is a very opinionated phrase

Grimy door knobs, fresh washed hands, exasperation
Who am I?

It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern

Loud ticking of a clock parading and strengthened by barren walls
Blue, still butterflies displayed in a swarm
The fan is now silent, as not to disturb anyone else
It's almost infuriatingly hard to concentrate with the obnoxious tick, tick, tick
Pounding and forcing it's way into my skull with bludgeoning desperation

Clumps of muffin and brown sugar lay sluggish at the back of my tounge
Refusing to traverse more fluidly with harsh gulps
Liquid is unnecessary, all I require is the natural saliva in my mouth
'Stubborn' is a very opinionated phrase

Drown flesh in cold water, glare into the reflective glass
Who am I?

It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern

Sharp, aching pain in the chest
Reluctant admission of sorrow
Curse all who've come to worship the heart
Useless, burdensome mess of a thought process

Don't be careless, act smug when the world is beyond your fingertips
You deserve it
Ignore the remnants of bile staining your taste
Spit with a flare of arrogance, only flames will escape your teeth, intentional or not
'Love' is a very opinionated phrase

Tense, stress, remain indifferent
Who am I?

It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern
It's none of your concern

© Marah Schneider