

The devil Thoughts
Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder...
Sssshh, the devil is now breathing...
Don't move ! the footsteps in your mind are now crystal clear.
Sssshh ! Control your heartbeat
What if it beats beyond limits ...

But ! slowly gather some strength
As it would be the only savior to break the fear thread
Ask your mind where the devil would be !
Under the bed?
or the rooftop ?
Or the devil is in your restless Thoughts ???

Now ! stand up
With mild footsteps switch on the lights
From the window look at the Constant Moon
I hope your fear has almost reduced .

Look at the street lights
Inhale the brightness of the lights
Embrace the truth that the devil was none ! But your Thoughts!
The thoughts of fear that made you restless at this midnight !
Treat it with peace ✌️