


No matter what i say,
I'll never forget,
The best days,
The ones I will never regret.

The stupid shit,
The crazy times,
I don't want to admit,
That I miss it sometimes.

Count the laughs,
And the tears.
Count the time,
It seems like its been years.

It's like everyone forgot,
And I'm stuck in the past,
Pictures are all I've got,
To make the memories last.

Out of confusion
I went away.
I had the illusion,
Things would get better that way,

But in return,
I was ignored.
Without concern,
Things seemed to go on like before.

I learned to deal,
With the changes I was handed.
I never wanted to reveal,
That I couldn't stand it.

If it means anything,
I wish I could turn back.
The pain still stings,
My heart,
Gone black.