

dreams reborn
She was just a girl with dreams so grand,
A heart of gold, a gentle hand.
She loved the world, sought every thrill,
With many passions, she had a will.

She lived in her head, a realm so vast,
Where every moment could forever last.
But life outside was harsh and cold,
A story of dreams left untold.

The world, unfair, stripped her bare,
Took her joy, left her in despair.
She lost her way, her inner light,
Fading slowly into the night.

Her dreams were crushed by those she trusted,
Her hopes and plans, all maladjusted.
Life became a looping strain,
A constant cycle of endless pain.

She tried to survive, to fight and mend,
But nothing worked, no way to bend.
Her friends were books, creativity’s fire,
A thirst for learning that never tired.

But now replaced by panic’s grip,
Brain fog’s cloud, depression’s dip.
She’s all alone, striving to thrive,
In a world where it’s hard to survive.

Yet she carries on, bears the weight,
Of every action, every fate.
With heavy heart and weary soul,
She seeks to find a way to be whole.

She dreams again of days gone by,
When laughter filled the open sky.
She yearns for peace, a gentle touch,
To feel again, to love so much.

In quiet moments, she finds her grace,
A hidden smile upon her face.
For even in the darkest night,
A spark of hope can burn so bright.

She'll rise again, with wings unfurled,
To reclaim her place within this world.
With dreams reborn and spirit free,
She’ll live her life, her destiny.
© _areesha