

Fight Thee Invisibility Eating Humanity
This day is sunny
but wait particular strains
can have me sick
but it plays on the mind
that a day and the world is
so bright and beautiful
but times are over shadowed
by the death toll
on the news or on special reports
of this covid breach of humanity.
Oh I stay masked but is that is what
is keeping me alive.
Or is it the praying I do
Or is it the lemons and garlic I hear
and drink. Or any Cirrus or onions
which I add to my meals
to keep me strong with fighting power
to fight off colds an flu
Yes you power up yourself a
with what makes you
strong and has you healthy.
Then that very thing that
wants to do you in can't.
So then you stop the sickness
with your own fight.
Then we all keep walking out the
ring as if to box the covid and win.

© Mash