

You came on very suddenly.
My whole teenage world was changed, and rightly so...
But you moved into my soul so quickly that we became one...
Unbeknownst to me.

We grew up, side by side.
Before we knew it, we had a marriage,
And SO much pride.
I in you and you in me...
But in US, most definitely.

I didn't know a lot and you are so smart.
All that you've taught me is felt
Not just in mind, but also heart ❤.

Like others tend to do,
We grew older so quickly.
One blink in a decade we became
Settled and nearing forty.

Now here we are, with a view
From twenty years together...
More time than we've lived apart.

There's an evil that's threatening,
Trying to force us into two.
We know it well... It's taken others
We know quite well what it will do.

You came on then quite suddenly
Made me understand you want the best for me.
I've been my own worst enemy...
But you were meant to change that..
Unbeknownst to me.