

Tears to no mercy

I imagined of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth,
Dark and moist, I saw a small child, Crying out for help stuck in the wild

Slowly I got petrified
probably the child was terrified
But Although it never screamed
Was his head trimmed
Who knew

Wondering about his not screaming
Of course their was no body to help
Monsters roaming the area
From the rare to even rats
Who new how he had survived in this world of cats

Now I had my eyes open
Seeing clearly as the tip of a pen
In this hole he doesn't suffer alone not two not even ten
But athuosand
Being I have never passed through this
I just imaginate the sorrow
But if I am wrong
Then you have never opened an eye
And neither have I ever written
By Golooba Hassan
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