

The Journey Of A Serene Heart
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.
One night the knock of the door, made everything right,
I saw you outside my house and thought it was the end of our fight,
The tight hug that you gave me, just boosted my heartbeat,
that night the old memories, euphoria, dreams were all on repeat,
because of the surprise, I was about to skip the breathe,
this made me tear the page of the diary, where I wrote, " I hope we never met",
the sudden rain which had no sign of pouring off,
it was the first day I didnt cry my tears with rain rather I laughed,
the closeness, the warmth I felt, the desires I nourished,
made me realise my purpose of existence and finally cherished,
the stars smiled at me that night and it forgot to twinkle,
that time nothing really mattered to me, not even my pimple,
the reflection of myself on the mirror just blushed, by the glow I had,
finally, the time erased all the reasons for being sad,
my turbulent mind with serene heart, changed all the perspectives,
that one night had no hidden agenda and not even motives,
I behold whether these were all true,
and the sound of a broking glass, made me realise they were all the stories of the torn pages that got mixed which I wrote years ago,
someone from behind took it and read it aloud,
and made my calm mind turbulent and loud,
and when I turned back it was the knock of the door...!!!

© gratitude for solitude