

My trust was broken
My mom would used to tell a fairytale
Moon has many wife's
They are nothing but stars
But I never saw them together and my trust was broken

She said
Moon is white and pure hearted
This made me impressed
But after growing i saw the black spots on him and my trust was broken again

Then She said
Sun is hot and bad and moon is cool and good
But after knowing sun is the cause of lives my trust was broken again

And she said
Stars are always in the sky and they look great and beautiful
But got to know they too will fall someday down to the earth and my trust was broken again

She said
Moon went missed on new moon day
But known that he put a mask of dark shadow,my trust was broken again

When Truth became my frnd and trust is rusted,she stopped telling the fairytales,it's not because they are false...
They teach us everything we see and we meet are not always truths.

© prathyusha.kaipa(gnanvi)