

We Are Women
We are women, we are women.
Can't we become similar to men?

Oh! How will we become same?
Our fate is full of blame.

We have to fight to get our rights.
But, still some women stay behind lights.

Nowadays, people are engaged in fashion.
But, still society blindly follows comparison.

Why society judge us by our looks?
Why all women can't read books?

We are women, we are women.
We are not commodities made for men.

Cooking food is not women's job.
Why innocent women lynch by lawless mob?

Women are often accused of being witches.
Why women's mouth are full of societal stitches?

Some abusive men feel proud by insulting women.
Maybe they forget that their mothers are also women.

We are women, we are women.
Please don't seek us as a family burden.

© Baishali Mandal